A place where your faith and life connect

We would like to extend an invitation to you to worship with us at Christus Lutheran Church in Clintonville.

Christus is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, the Word of God is taught and the sacraments are administered. We gather together as sinners needing forgiveness, receiving it from the Living Word, and going back into the world in loving service. Check the "News & Events" tab for special services.


Holy Communion is celebrated at most worship services, with kneeling communion on the second and fourth Sundays of each month and continuous walk-up communion at all other services. All who are baptized and believe in the presence of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine and know their need of forgiveness are welcome to receive the Lord's supper at Christus.

Kid's and Youth

Christus offers the youth opportunities for fun, fellowship and service in a Christian atmosphere. We offer Sunday School for all ages at 9:15am on Sundays.

Worship Space

Where We Gather

  • Where: 120 North Main Street Clintonville, Wisconsin 54929
  • When: Every Sunday, 8am & 10:30am

About Christus

Our mission is to invite people of all nations into fellowship with Jesus Christ, and to make them disciples through preaching and teaching Christ crucified, risen and coming again as the only hope of eternal salvation.