Our History
From humble beginnings on September 16, 1888, Christus Lutheran congregation has grown in faith, hope and love.

On November 4, 1888 a new church building was dedicated. In 1891, with 49 members, an old house was dedicated for use as a parsonage and parochial school. In 1902, the congregation purchased a new building and moved it on its property on Fifth Street for use as a parochial school until 1936. In 1904 a new brick veneer church was dedicated at a cost of $4,500. On July 14, 1912, the first English service was held in the church making the tradition from German services. The dedication for a new church on the triangle block between 15th and 16th Streets was held on January 21, 1940. This stone, gothic style structure with a cross at the front of the building, has a seating capacity of 550 people.
It was about this time that the members of Peace Lutheran Church of Belle Plaine became part of the Christus congregation after being served by Christus pastors for some time.
A new parsonage was completed in 1949. With this dedication, the
congregation erected three churches and parsonages. In 1958 a parish hall was added to provide classrooms for 400 people, a social hall, library, offices, committee rooms and modern kitchen.
In 1967, St. John's of rural Clintonville, being without a pastor, was invited to share the preaching, teaching and fellowship ministry of Christus. After two years under this arrangement, the congregations consolidated.
Christus has also shown concern and interest in the needs and welfare of all people throughout the world. They have actively supported financially the mission and benevolent programs of the church. Christus has supplied the talent and personnel needed to serve on many of the committees and boards of the broader church throughout the years, providing leadership for ministry beyond the Clintonville area.
The history of Christus Lutheran Church has been one of vision. It continues to look ahead to the needs of the future.