Christus Lutheran Church Inviting people of all nations into fellowship with Jesus!
Welcome to Christus!
We would like to extend an invitation to you to worship with us at Christus Lutheran Church in Clintonville. Christus is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, the Word of God is taught and the sacraments are administered. We gather together as sinners needing forgiveness, receiving it from the Living Word, and going back into the world in loving service.
Our Ministries
Holy Communion
Pastors serve communion to our shut-ins and members in nursing homes.
Pastors welcome fellow sinners who need a listening ear and prayer
Pastoral Care & Visitation
Pastors are ready to visit and pray together with you in crisis or in the day to day.
Online Services
Visit our library to hear a service you missed or to visit us online.
Youth Group
Christus has opportunities for students in grades 6-12
The men manage Christus’ camp and offer fellowship for “the guys”
Monthly meetings for service and craft projects & fellowship for women of all ages
Choirs for All Ages
Christus has a Cherub Choir, Senior Choir and Praise Band.
The women offer fellowship & Bible study opportunities, serve luncheons and carry out many functions in the congregation
Trail Life USA troop
Christus is forming a Trail Life USA troop! A Church-based, Christ-centered approach to raising boys into godly men in the context of outdoor adventure. See the "News & Events" tab for info and links
Our Core Gatherings
Christus is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, the Word of God is taught and the sacraments are administered. We gather together as sinners needing forgiveness, receiving it from the Living Word, and going back into the world in loving service.
Sunday School is held September through May, between worship services (9:15am to 10:15am) for ages three through 9th grade. A variety of adult classes are offered throughout the year, both Sundays and weekdays; check the "Education" tab for current details.
Christus Prayer Group meets monthly to pray since Jesus said, “My Father’s house is a house of prayer.” This is usually held the first Sunday of every month at 9:15am; check Calendar on “News & Events” page. Contact Pastor Klemp if you would like to participate or have prayer concerns or praises.