Education for All Ages

Sunday School is held September through May, between worship services (9:15am to 10:15am) for ages three through 9th grade. A variety of adult classes are offered throughout the year, both Sundays and weekdays.
- Sunday School has begun for the year; you can still join us! 9:15am for all ages.
- First Communion Classes are offered in the spring for 5th graders and older, with celebration of their 1st Communion on Maundy Thursday.
- Confirmation Classes meet Sunday mornings during the education hour, and two Wednesdays a month from 6-8pm.
- Inquirers/New Member classes are scheduled as need arises, or conversations are always welcome with a Pastor.
- Adult classes often meet Sunday mornings in the education hour, Monday evenings, and Tuesday morning studies at the Living Room Coffee Shop are held occasionally.